Adina Shapiro
Bader Philanthropies

Adina Shapiro is a board director of Bader Philanthropies Inc., and serves on the boards of the Jewish Funders Network and JFN Israel (Reshet Hatormim). Adina's main philanthropic work is through the philanthropic office "Mubadarat" which focuses on service provision to underserved communities in Israel.  Adina also chairs the board of the Israeli Friends of the Israel Museum, is a board member (and former chair) of the Jerusalem International YMCA and serves on other public boards and advisory committees.

Professionally, Adina is a senior partner at Herzog, Fox Neeman Law firm, specializing in cross border mergers and acquisitions and heads the firm data center practice.  Adina chairs the firm's diversity committee and art committee.  Adina is also an officer of the corporate M&A committee of the International Bar Association and a frequent speaker at international conferences on the legal aspects of corporate transactions.

Business, NGOs, Philanthropy