A lawyer by profession, Rasool holds a bachelor's and master's degree in law and is a graduate of the leadership and management program at HBS and the School of International Law at the EUI University in Italy.
Previously Director of Business Development at the Ma'oz Network, Rasool founded and managed the Safe Communities Initiative to fight crime and violence in Arab communities, and is an expert on policing issues in minority groups. He previously headed the Arab Students' Association, served as head of the department for Arab students in the National Union of Israeli Students, and was a member of the Council for Higher Education's committee for improving accessibility to higher education for Arab society.
Rasool has extensive experience in building partnerships with the government, initiating and implementing government decisions in various aspects of social and economic development. In 2017 he was chosen by the newspaper "Yediot Ahronoth" as one of the fifty most influential people in Israel’s civic sphere.